Happy New Year to all!
Just a note to remind people... SimplyChurch resumes January 10th.
In case you are wondering what has been happening... here are the announcements from last time.
Announcements for the week of December 20th, 2009:
We welcome you to the Inaugural service for SimplyChurch as a member of the Associated Gospel Churches of Canada.. If you are here for the first time, we would like to get to know you. Please contact pastortim@gmail.com.
We want to welcome Rev. Dr. George Boyd, Canada East District Superintendant, to conduct our Inaugural Service.
Sunday School will resume January 10th, 2010.
Any offerings made to SimplyChurch should be done so in an offering envelope. Please fill in all the information on the envelope before depositing into the offering basket. Cheques should be made out to Associated Gospel Churches of Canada (or just “AGC”) and earmarked for SimplyChurch.
Grocery run – will resume January 13th Wednesday night at 7:30 p.m. meet at Mikey’s. Please confirm ahead of time so that we have enough vehicles to accommodate everyone.
Sunday Rides – rides are available at 9:45 a.m. at the side of the HMV store on University and Philip. Please confirm with Pastor Tim beforehand to ensure there will be a seat for you. If you require a ride and that pick up point is not suitable, please inform us and we will arrange an alternative pick up point.
Servant-hearted – if you are interested in helping out with worship, greeting, caring, ushering, Children Sunday school, or set up, please contact pastortim@gmail.com as soon as possible.
Are you web-savvy? We are looking for talented people who would be interested in helping design the simplychurch.ca website and bulletin.
Reminder that parking is free in the Gold Lot (the parking lot facing the front doors of St. Paul’s).
Today will be SimplyChurch’s last Sunday worship for 2009. SimplyChurch will resume again on January 10th, 2010 at St. Paul’s University College Wesley’s Chapel once again. Please visit our website for any updates or changes.