Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Week of September 27

It was a very memorable inaugural worship at the Wesley Chapel in St. Paul's University College on Univ. of Waterloo. Small and quaint but very intimate. Anyways, it will be our place of worship for a little while. In some ways, the desire to stay there is great and yet there is a strong desire to out grow it quickly.
Eyes are burning so I'll just put up the announcements for this week.


1. We welcome you to our inaugural new location for SimplyChurch.
2. We thank Pastor Lew Worrad for speaking this morning.
3. Sunday school starts today following Worship service at 11:30pm (Today’s topic: “God is…?”)
4. Grocery run – Wednesday night at 7:30 p.m. meet at Mikey’s. Please confirm ahead of time so that we have enough vehicles to accommodate everyone.
5. Sunday Rides – rides are available at 9:45 a.m. at the side of the HMV store on University and Philip. Please confirm with Pastor Tim beforehand to ensure there will be a seat for you. If you require a ride and that pick up point is not suitable, please inform us and we will arrange an alternative pick up point.
6. Servant-hearted – if you are interested in helping out with worship, greeting, caring, ushering, Children Sunday school, set up, please contact pastortim@gmail.com as soon as possible.
7. Are you web-savvy? We are looking for talented people who would be interested in helping design the simplychurch.ca website and bulletin.
8. Pastor Tim will be away for the Thanksgiving weekend (October 7-13).

Thursday, September 24, 2009


This is what is happening this week:

Thursday 7:00pm - Car Workshop @ 427 Philip St. (Meetz' Small Engines). Learn about oil change and brake repair.

Saturday - Stem Cell Drive: Want to save a life? You could be a possible winner to save someone's life. But you won't know until you play and it is simple - Just a simple cheek swap from you will increase the Chinese "Bone Marrow Donors Worldwide Database". Guelph-Cambridge Chinese Alliance Church will be conducting a Stem Cell Drive this coming Saturday. Bus transportation is provided (see schedule below) from William G. Davis Center. Remember to bring your OHIP card. Please consider this possible life-saving test by adding to the database.

Depart Trip: 12:15pm Waterloo University to 31 Tannery St. W. Cambridge
(William G Davis 2:30pm Waterloo University to 31 Tannery St. W. Cambridge
Computer Research 3:15pm Waterloo University to 31 Tannery St. W. Cambridge

Return Trip: (From the church back to William G Davis Computer Research Center)
1:45pm 31 Tannery St. W. Cambridge to Waterloo University
2:30pm 31 Tannery St. W. Cambridge to Waterloo University
4:30pm 31 Tannery St. W. Cambridge to Waterloo University

Sunday - We are moving! Just a reminder that we will hold our very first worship service at St. Paul's University College Chapel. Dr. Lew Worrad will be delivering the sermon that morning and Sunday School will follow.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

On the Move!

SimplyChurch is on the move! I say this both literally and dynamically.

Literally because we have outgrown the gracious hospitality of Mr. Wong's home and are moving to the facilities of St. Paul's University College Chapel on the grounds of the University of Waterloo. This is both exciting and challenging as we inflitrate directly onto the hallow grounds of high education and into the world of the largest demographic group of SimplyChurch.

Dynamically because along the way to this juncture, we have picked up a few first and a few friends. Our first partnership with another church in lending us their communion equipment for our communion service. Our first missionary sharing with Volodya and his family from Kazakhstan. Our first marriage (Emily and Joseph). Our first church family with children. Our very first expense (rental fee). As well, Pastor Lew Worrad has been gracious to assist in the preaching and teaching ministry, so in some sense we actually have our first pastoral team.

To misquote CS Lewis, "There is a bit more than hope, SimplyChurch is on the move."

St. Paul'sUniversity College Chapel
University of Waterloo
190 Westmount Road North Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G5