Tuesday, September 22, 2009

On the Move!

SimplyChurch is on the move! I say this both literally and dynamically.

Literally because we have outgrown the gracious hospitality of Mr. Wong's home and are moving to the facilities of St. Paul's University College Chapel on the grounds of the University of Waterloo. This is both exciting and challenging as we inflitrate directly onto the hallow grounds of high education and into the world of the largest demographic group of SimplyChurch.

Dynamically because along the way to this juncture, we have picked up a few first and a few friends. Our first partnership with another church in lending us their communion equipment for our communion service. Our first missionary sharing with Volodya and his family from Kazakhstan. Our first marriage (Emily and Joseph). Our first church family with children. Our very first expense (rental fee). As well, Pastor Lew Worrad has been gracious to assist in the preaching and teaching ministry, so in some sense we actually have our first pastoral team.

To misquote CS Lewis, "There is a bit more than hope, SimplyChurch is on the move."

St. Paul'sUniversity College Chapel
University of Waterloo
190 Westmount Road North Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G5

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