Sunday, October 4, 2009


Chiastic - a literary structure used in the Torah, the Bible, as well as in other (older) texts. Concepts or ideas are placed in a special symmetric order or pattern in a chiastic structure to emphasize them.

For those who were at SimplyChurch today, you will understand chiastic. Unbelievably as it might sound, admittedly, I like structure. In the midst of chaos (which I admit is a norm in my life) I like structure. Recently I renovated and re-organized my work office. It has a new paint job with a very bold color but more importantly the place has been de-cluttered, re-organized and ... in the words of several people ... looks more professional. Strange how structure, organization, and a little fresh paint creates the perception of professionalism. And people are willing to pay for that perception, give credibility even when there is no real proof that professional equates to credible, and set it as a standard by which all businesses must strive and achieve.
However, (for those who knows me well, there has to be a however to this...) I'm conflicted with a Christ who didn't have a well organized office, manicured walls, and a scheduler to coordinate his day. Yet God is a God of order and structure (cosmological argument). Somewhere along these lines there must be a balance... a balance between being scattered, cluttered and free-flowing ... and structure, organizational, and "professional".

Perhaps that is what I hope SimplyChurch would be. A church that emphasizes the primary concerns of Christ with intent, clarity and determination (like Christ's path to the cross) but with a little bit of organization and structure.... just a little bit... so we can look professional.

And now for those who weren't at SimplyChurch this Sunday... here are the announcements:


1. We welcome you to our new location for SimplyChurch. If you are here for the first time, we would like to get to know you. Please contact

2. Sunday school starts today following Worship service at 11:30pm (Today’s topic: “God: From the Fathers to Moderns”)

3. Grocery run – Wednesday night at 7:30 p.m. meet at Mikey’s. Please confirm ahead of time so that we have enough vehicles to accommodate everyone.

4. Next Sunday – Thanksgiving Praise, Prayer and Potluck. Bring some yummy edible and a word of thanksgiving to share with one another. There will be no Sunday school next week.

5. Sunday Rides – rides are available at 9:45 a.m. at the side of the HMV store on University and Philip. Please confirm with Pastor Tim beforehand to ensure there will be a seat for you. If you require a ride and that pick up point is not suitable, please inform us and we will arrange an alternative pick up point.

6. Servant-hearted – if you are interested in helping out with worship, greeting, caring, ushering, Children Sunday school, set up, please contact as soon as possible.

7. Are you web-savvy? We are looking for talented people who would be interested in helping design the website and bulletin.

8. Pastor Tim will be away for the Thanksgiving weekend (October 7-13).

Have a very thankful Thanksgiving.

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