MOVING ON - Alas, another semester has passed and we bid adieu to many students who have graced our church scene these last few years. They are moving on with their lives. Another chapter of their lives has closed and a new and exciting chapter is about to be written. Many hope to join the ranks of the tax-paying demographic portion of society while some prefer to stay within the familiar confines of academia. "Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for a while, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never, ever the same." ~Flavia Weedn. May I say it has been a privilege to be a small part of your life and a pleasure to have you worship, serve, and grow together in Christ. I am certainly not the same because of you.
MOVING FORWARD - We reached another milestone as a church with our first baptismal service. I am certain that it will not be the one and only baptismal services here at Simply Church and look forward to many more to come. But I must say that it was the most memorable baptismal service I have ever witnessed or have been a part of. I think it was rather appropriate that the vessel used for the baptism was a water trough, since it follows in our Lord Jesus Christ as he was born and laid in a manger. There are many postings on FB and perhaps we hope to release a video of the blessed event on youtube in the very near future.
MOVING ROOMS - Very important!!! For the spring term (May - August) we will be worshiping in the Aboriginal Center at St. Paul's rather than our usual MacKirdy Hall. This is due to the renovations that will be done through the spring term. The Aboriginal Center is located in the new wing of St. Paul's just down the corridor from MacKirdy Hall. There will be signs posted to help people find their way.
*** UPDATE *** Sunday May 6 - due to a conflict in room booking, we will be meeting in the Chapel of St. Paul's instead. Please pass on the message to everyone.
so blessed to be part of this family too =) =) =)