Tuesday, May 19, 2009

May 19, 2009 Burn Baby Burn

The May long weekend is the starting point of the beginning of the summer months ahead, of warmer weather and of course ... BBQ season! There is nothing like a sunny day innodated with the smell of charred flesh on a ceramic grill surface infused with carbon byproducts, unburnt propane, and seared grease drippings on lava briquettes. Mix in with a good dose of fireworks on a clear and calm night and you have the perfect Victoria Day holiday.
What is it with man's fascination with fire? Fire has always played an important role in mankind's history - culturally, religiously, philosophically, and scientifically. It has its practical usage - if you watch Survivor, it is one of the first and foremost items that the contestants vie for - in providing heat, energy, purification, cooking, light. It is mystical - one of the 4 classical elements in Greek philosophy and a symbol for many religions and gods. It is metaphysical - often representing the passion and creativity and fervor within a being. That being said, I'll take what's behind door number 3 for SimplyChurch. I would love to hear people say that SimplyChurch is on fire. Need i say more?


1. Car Cell – This Thursday 7p.m. to learn about front disc brakes. 427 Albert St. (between Columbia and Philip) If you are interested please send an email to pastortim@gmail.com.

2. Grocery run – Wednesday night 7:30 p.m. meet at Mikey’s.

3. Worship teams – if you are interested in helping out for worship, please contact pastortim@gmail.com as soon as possible.

4. Are you web-savvy? We are looking for talented people who would be interested in helping design the simplychurch.ca website and bulletin.

5. Next Sunday we will begin a Sunday school series on Eschatology starting at 10:30 a.m.

6. Pastor Lew Worrad will be speaking June 21 in our worship service and Sunday school.

7. Please continue to pray that God will guide us in finding an appropriate rental location.

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