Sunday, May 3, 2009

Spring is in the Air

Well time certainly flies by when you realize the distance between this post and the last one. Rather than relaying history, I prefer to proclaim the future. Not that what has transpired is of inconsequential significance, but I am more excited about the future than retelling of the past.

I have been encouraged by the consistent attendance and anticipation of the full inauguration of Simplychurch. Four months have passed and support for this endeavour has been found in so many ways. It is never easy to be enterpreneurial - there is much uncertainty, anxieties, fears, unknowns, expectations, failure - especially when the statistical odds of a successful church plant is less than 30%. There are always those difficult questions to answer from my harshest critics - What is your vision? Is this God's will? How will you fund this? Who's your targeted demographics? Why don't you come out to visit more often? When are you going to cut your hair? Well mom, I got my hair cut. :)

Spring is always a reminder of new life, of hope, of vitality, and in essence so it is with Simplychurch. As the spring term students return, there is a rejuvenation from within - some new faces, some old faces, some who have not yet been part of the Simplychurch family. And with the warmer weather, there are many more options for activities and ministries. As well, the urgency of finding larger facilities to accomodate our growing family. We have even resorted to printing a bulletin for announcements for news and contact information for newcomers.

So, a fresh start to Simplychurch. Cheers to a glorious spring!


1. Car Cell – Want to get down and dirty? Some people have expressed interest in learning some basic car maintenance and repair. If you are interested please send an email to as to when you are available.

2. Grocery run & Farmers’ Market – Is your cupboard getting a little bare? Tired of the frozen pizza in your fridge? Summertime is a great time for grocery runs and trips to St. Jacobs Farmers’ Market. Market runs are Saturday mornings at 8:00 a.m. while grocery runs are Wednesday or Thursday evenings 9:30 p.m. (TBA depending on availability).

3. Worship teams – if you are interested in helping out for worship, please contact as soon as possible.

4. Are you web-savvy? We are looking for talented people who would be interested in helping design the website and bulletin.

5. Next Sunday is Mother’s Day as well as our Communion Sunday.

6. Pastor Lew Worrad will be speaking June 21 in our worship service and Sunday school.

7. Please continue to pray that God will guide us in finding an appropriate rental location.

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