Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Oreo's Social Network

My cat has always been an indoor cat, though Oreo has on the odd occasion escaped the confines of the house and ventured out into the wild. I suppose we do this for her own good. No fear of a car running her over. No fear of some other wild animals attacking her (since she is de-clawed and hence at a disadvantage in a fight). No fear of some person snatching her and imprisoning her for themselves (though I suppose we are just as guilt in terms of keeping her as an indoor cat). What is her motivation for wanting to leave the house? Why can't she just be satisfied with everything she has here with us? Is the proverbial catnip really greener on the other side of the door?

We hope that we have provided the best environment possible to meet her every need, to show her all the love we can, and to be her friend and relational support. But obviously this is not enough. Since her fore ray into the outside world has been trumped, she has decided that the cyber world will become her outlet. Her new facebook page has become her social medium allowing her to leave the confines of Bluevale to open a whole new world for her to explore. (Oreo Wai on FB)

I suppose that Naomi had similar hopes when she left her homeland and ventured into the forbidden land - an adventure that would result in her becoming "Mara" and turning that bitterness against God. But in fact, she had become her own worst enemy.

If you want to know more about this story, come visit simplychurch for the next few weeks as Pastor Lew preaches through the book of Ruth.

Until next time,


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