Thursday, December 6, 2012

Christmas is a time...

How would you finish that sentence? For me, I would have to say that Christmas is a time to get really sick. Traditionally, or I should say routinely, I would spend the beter part of Dec. 25th onwards extremely sick. The reason? Well I could attribute it to many factors - the change in weather; the increased number of people whom I would see and shakes hands with or some sort of physical contact; the increased workload above and beyond the normal pastoral duties (Christmas pageant, Christmas banquet, late night carolling, Board reports, annual reports, finance reports, year end reports, etc); many late nights or all nighters due to said workload; decreased in the body's immune system because of said activities; increased stress levels due to said activities; invitations to many Christmas meals near and far; and finally the body just crashing once all said activities are over.

I just watched the Christmas episode of Duck Dynasty and laughed at how Miss Kay had everyone in the family running ragged to get Christmas and all its elements just perfect (especially when she and Pa went hunting for the perfect Christmas tree). And yes I do like watching Duck Dynasty especially with Annie in spite of the scripted nature of the show. At the end of each episode, the family gathers together around the dining table for prayer, some words of wisdom, and some together time when all is forgiven and what is most important is celebrated - family and food! I must admit, that in recent years, I have not suffered my Christmas flu.

Since pastoring Simply Church, I have come to really appreciate the down time during the Christmas season because of the closure of the University and the simplicity of the season to celebrate and concentrate on what is important. I'm reminded of a song from the Maranatha Kids from the album "Psalty's Christmas Calamity" called "Christmas is a time". The lyrics, with its words of wisdom, reads as follows:

Christmas is a time Christmas is a time Christmas is a time to love. 

We often start to worry And people get upset If things don't go alright on Christmas day. What we should remember In all the push and shove Is Christmas is a time to love. 

Christmas is a time Christmas is a time Christmas is a time to love. 

Maybe things don't sound right Or look the way they should And maybe they're not perfectly in tune. It really doesn't matter Lets keep our eyes above Cos' Christmas is a time to love. 

Christmas is a time Christmas is a time Christmas is a time to love. 

From my family, and the family at Simply Church, to your family - may you have a stress-free and flu-free Christmas season. And may you focus on what is truly important - that Jesus is the reason for the season.

Have a blessed Christmas,

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